What services are available for guests who are blind or low vision?

Aira Visual Interpreting Services

Meow Wolf provides Aira Visual Interpreting services at no cost for individuals who are blind or have low vision. It utilizes a live, human-to-human interaction with a trained agent who visually interprets objects and surroundings using a combination of a camera and the Aira app on the user's smartphone. 

For the best experience, we suggest using headphones while communicating on the app.

The Aira App is free to download on iOS and Android from:

Stop by our Guest Experience Team desk or box office to get connected to our Wi-Fi to ensure connection throughout your visit. 

Aira operates 24/7/365, ensuring that assistance is available at any time of the day or night.

Visual Description Guides

Meow Wolf Santa Fe, Las Vegas, and Denver offer Visual Description Guides, written descriptions of some of the art and story within each Meow Wolf location that a sighted companion can read aloud while you explore.

Visual Description Guides can be requested at the Guest Experience/Information desk.