I want to visit Meow Wolf! What do I do?

We strongly encourage you to buy your tickets in advance to ensure availability, as we sometimes sell out fast! 


First, pick a location, day, and time:

🚆 Tickets to Convergence Station in Denver, CO

🛒 Tickets to Omega Mart in Las Vegas, LV

🏠 Tickets to House of Eternal Return in Santa Fe, NM

🌙 Tickets to The Real Unreal in Grapevine, TX


You will get one QR code per group and must be together for check-in.

You can reschedule tickets yourself (as many times as needed) up to one hour before your visit. Locate the original email you received upon purchasing your tickets, scroll down to the 'Change your visit Time!' button, and select a new, available date and time.

If you bought your tickets from another site besides the official ticket link through Meow Wolf, please contact that seller with any questions, refund requests, etc.

We can only provide information about tickets purchased through meowwolf.com.

All tickets to Meow Wolf locations are non-refundable.